There was a Time
There was a time when we all seemed to smile more, breathe a little easier, say hello as we passed by a stranger and paused to listen to others perspective on issues. Was it COVID? The political climate? Societies constantly shifting values? Whatever the reason, there is no doubt as a collective whole, society has become more anxious and depressed than it was pre-COVID.
So how can we reduce those feelings?
Spend time outside-go for a walk, go to the beach, sit in the park and read a book under a tree. Being outside in the sun increases your serotonin level in the brain.
Find a new hobby-find something you’re passionate about and spend an hour a week doing it. take up painting on canvas, learn how to play an instrument, volunteer somewhere, have a game night with friends. It allows you time to relax and decompress.
Limit social media and news access-most of the news and social media doesn’t directly affect you and is negative based. Social media also often provides a false sense of reality. No one ever has problems and everyone seems to be living their best lives on social media which is false.
Set Boundaries in Relationships-identify the need for any physical or emotional guidelines, rules, or limits that prevent you from participating in self-care and reduce anxiety-causing behaviors in your relationships.
Healthy coping skills-mindfulness, journaling, yoga, exercise. Mindfulness is the act of focusing your attention to the here and now. Journaling allows you to write or draw what you are feeling in the moment to try and identify the causes. Yoga and exercise allows you to physically ‘work’ through the feelings and produces adrenaline which is a ‘happy’ chemical in the brain.
Therapy-pet, individual, group, psychiatry, support. Pet therapy can be done in an office or in your home and involves caring and playing with a pet. Individual therapy involves you and a licensed professional meeting either in person or online and discussing the issues going on in your life. Group therapy is the same as Individual only there is a group of individuals with the same issue who meet with the same licensed professional. Psychiatry is where medication is prescribed to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety by a licensed Psychiatrist through evaluation. Support is a peer to peer relationship, either individual or group, where the individuals share similar experiences.
Take the first step…breathe…keep going…one step…one day at a time!